Your Lifestory and the strategy to come back to the truth who you really are.

Your lifestory about who you really are

Welcome! I am Donny. Here you take your first step with my free roadmap to who you really are. Request your free five minute personal Quantum Human Design reading to take the first important steps in your life to find the truth about your lifestory.

This personal reading will be recorded by me and can be replayed as often as you want.

Human Design Coach for a True Lifestory

I am Donny Toebes, let’s start our journey to your true Lifestory!

Personal growth no longer needs to feel stressful and overwhelming. I’ve guided 1000’s of clients to their true Lifestory with more energy, power and success. If you are ready to take yourself to the next level, I’ll be ready to go on the journey with you.

Here’s what you can expect from me…

Focus and Clarity

Personal roadmap

Enjoy your Journey

Sustainable Success

You want practical steps – fast.

That is exactly what I do!

Let’s face it. Life is tough and full of questions, suprises and energy leaks. At this time we need to take time for…

Vitality and Empowerment

Self-Trust and Self-Worth

Lovability and Authenticity

(Emotional) Wisdom

If things don’t change it can eventually lead to…



No Abundance

Bad Relationships

The good news is you don’t have to worry anymore. I’ve got you covered as an proven Quantum Human Design Coach and ready to go to work and take you on the journey to the true you!


The first step


Free Five Minute Reading

and then start the journey


Short look at your Current Life


Explore possible Changes


Explore your Strategy


Reframe your life


Create your Abundance


Understand your Lifestory

with full support of me!

I Take A Different Approach

I am serving you (and your relation) committed to doing the inner work – paired with effective action – to achieve amazing results. I don’t make excuses and I only start the journey with clients who show up 100%. I don’t offer quick fix nonsens solutions at ridiculous prices. This is a private, one-on-one journey tailored to your specific lifestory and a safe space to get on and stay on your true lifestory. Whether it’s a ‘simple’ question or you want to push past any self-imposed limits, I’ve got your back!

About Donny

Quantum Human Design Specialist

I am a globally acclaimed Human Design Coach who offers grounded,
practical support focused on helping conscious, intuitive, and sensitive people heal, thrive, and live a better life!

For decades I support clients around the world as a coach, channeler, healer and teacher.

I believe deeply in the power of my Personal approach for Quantum Human Design readings and Lifestory support. I am a multidimensional being and believe in the lovefull connection with my clients.

My clients have a special spot in my heart!

What people are saying…

It’s almost two years that I enjoyed the personal support of Donny. He helped me to de-condition and re-condition myself into a better oneself. The use of Human Design is great to empower your life. I first tried this alone but the support of Donny as professional and experienced coach was needed and valuable.

Mila de Longo
Generator – Berlin Germany (DE)

Meeting Donny was an amazing experience.  He really understands you and your Human Design Chart. I found his knowledge of Human Design, I-Tjing and Astrology very powerfull. I am very greatfull to have he support of Donny. Thank you for enlightening my Life.

Jonas Edwards
Projector – Laredo Texas (USA)

I contacted Donny because my business was going down the drain. A friend of mine told me to ask Donny for advise. This was the best thing to do. The support for me, starting real changes at looking at my lifestory made a great positive impact on my life. It was realy worth the investment. The result is a great life and beautifull company.

Marcel Gorings
Projector – Utrecht (NL)

Unlock Your Potential with Quantum Human Design. Discover you true Lifestory. Explore the depths of your unique human design chart and discover the keys to fulfilment and abundance.

Centre Universals

In-person sessions held in Centre Universals, Magnoliaplein 11, 7121AM Aalten, The Netherlands

Monday to Friday : 9am – 6pm

Saturday : 9am – 2pm

Sunday  : 9am – 11am